Saturday, October 12, 2013

Just Woke Up

almost 10 hours of sleep

New Videos of Me Singing



I don't like the way I'm being communicated to with the way things load on my computer!!!  What happened to Tim Burton n el paradiso de Monkey Island with Johnny Depp??  You wanna be treated like this in private?  Do you wanna live withou a private?


Why is my dad all in my life all of a sudden no matter where I go?  It's not in a good way, if you could understand and hopefully are NOT stupid.  I thought he was in defense mode.  He's not gonna "'ventually" (eventually) "do it" to me!!!!

Hey, you, yea you, hey, kid

Hey, Sarah Brightman, check out my singing backing Jackie: link.


Do ya like this girl's singing, huh huh, cuz I do!!


New Video

me singing


Don't worry..

I starred this 1.

New Video of Me


This 1 is short, interesting, and kinda a way.

Fixing My Voice

Well, the 1st video was a mistake.. or something, but I'm trying to get my voice, "to find my voice...."  I thought of something helpful for others I thought, but maybe this wasn't it..  It's going better but not so good.  It's the cracking thing.  Dunno what this would do for 1.

No, wait

that was 1953?

My Poor Cracking Voice

I tried to sound like people in a family with someone born in 1950 and they talk with sorta a soft rasp.


So don't watch it unless you don't care if it's good..
my music video  3I