Saturday, October 19, 2013


So, you don't know how both incredibly blessed yet how incredibly hard my life is.  I don't think everyone is destined to be born to the 1950 generation like slaves and then all @ Late Boom families slide into the world, people say yes it's okay it's @ you and they fit in.  I don't like the meanness they experienced getting, though.  Like, they are the ideal.  I don't even have a generation that has a mother supposedly.  I know from my dad's side I don't faint but I'm like out.

I'm listening to the karaoke for Sweeney Todd from Dec 2007.  Nell Burton was born December 15th 2007.  I remember posting online, and no I don't feel welcome.  I feel I was too late.  So, this is something they'd listen to and not know what they're hearing but leave feeling pleasured.  I am glad for them, but what about people not from families of that generation?

All I can say is they don't like most moms born far enough after 1960 and 1961.  It is indeed funny the baby of the family in "The Brady Bunch" was born then.  It might work out for me, know people wanna fight me.  I still though feel I'm crap from my dad's side, listening to this.. like really..  I can't tell my mom's age, but you saw me as a baby and know she's Chinese-Indonesian.  Well, guys usually like dating Chinese women probably 15 years younger but dunno.  They could be like a teenager.

I wonder what the Alice in Wonderland soundrack is.  Is it for Nell??

Still, you have to be born 1992 or 1997|8.  People born 1991 were considered really **** and 1990 very intelligent.  1989 is "still the 1980s" I guess.  I wish I had a kid who was 6 now.  They sure are cute.  However, I wanted a boy and a girl a year apart.  Kids born in 1992 are special and into Tim Burton and like the musical.