Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Re: How is she as a person?

Sarah is an angel!! I met her in September, 2000, after her absoulutely fabulous LA LUNA concert in Philadelphia. She was signing autographs and taking pix at the stage door -- I got 2 autographs and 3 pix with her and best of all got to hug and kiss her!!!!! How many celebrities today let you close enough to do that? She's kind and gentle and a gazillion percent genuine. With Sarah, what you see is what you get. I'll love her till time and the universe cease to exist!!!

"I'm not used to being happy. It's funny, it hurts." Janet Gaynor as Diane, 7th Heaven, 1927.
Well, good 2006 topic.  What made me mad is I know everyone is turning their back on me.  I read that for example not @ her so much but she still did autographs then but this time didn't..  Guess she is more of a legend.  I can see it, I mean think @ it, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and then you're not in it.. Everyone is taking over now that my generation is older, like I guess we can't make it big and have to remember to keep our feet on the ground.

I have the feeling people are just telling me I'm somethig I'm not.  I'm really mad @ what I found out today, but it's not @ Sarah Brightman.  It's them bringing up things like racism to say you can't be like someone else in life.  It's happening all over, and I may seem to be ruining my ego but am just talking and know it.

Just imagine me a normal, intellectual, polite, maybe withheld yet sociable person.  All of a sudden people are darting me everywhere in the world, like making fun of me.  Like, @ important things.  I never really fantasized that I'd know some famous person but knew I had to be in the good list.  If not, then I will be mad.