Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I'm getting more what Ellen would call bullshit, I think.  Supposedly, I can't talk nicely? becuase I used to get upset and curse but just for fun????  Some people like it.  I don't do it for fun..  I'm not putting on a face.  When am I mean?  I am not even cursing now.  So, there's nothing like that to talk about.  I think before it was more a sincere thing.  Just forget @ it.  It was funny, or I was upset.

Why are you talking to me!

I am not cursing now, and what I did before is already over and taken care of.  It's still up if you wanna ask me about it, that's partly what it's there for-

What do you mean I can't talk like I'm normal and not a curser?  I'm not.  Do you see me curse?  Do you see me bullshit!